Sarah Azhari berpose seksi dan bogel lagi. Artis Indonesia yang terkenal dengan foto seksi dan bugil Sarah Azhari(born in Jakarta on June 16, 1977, 31 years) is a model of the stage and Indonesian origin. His brother, Ayu Azhari, Ibra Azhari and Rahma Azhari is the Indonesian celebrities.
Sarah more often than a model or movie star singer. One is a film director Garin Nugroho Garapan, “in our Sheet” dibintanginya the stage with senior Christine Hakim. In 1999, Sarah also released an album entitled “Kiss Me I hug.”

Like other Azhari family, private life, Sarah also feeling. Sarah Azhari accused of the beating on a journalist around. Finally, the mother of Ray Albany this diganjar verdicts four months in prison. The case has not yet been completed because Sarah Azhari can not accept the court verdict and intend to appeal to the Supreme Court level.
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